
Interpreting and defining the meaningful truths behind behavior is for Martha, the primary motor that drove her to the discipline of Research, after practicing in the fields of Clinical, Educational and Organizational Psychology.

After 8 years working in a prestigious Pharmaceutical company, in 1998 Martha joins the CJS team, originally to bring her vast knowledge and leadership in this sector. Her perspective gained from both sides – Client and Agency – was an important accelerator of CJS' value and growth in the market.

Combining her skills with other equally complex categories, including Finance, Insurance and Construction, play out in valuable detailed and action oriented analysis. Martha brings this experience across the Latin America region.

Her warmth, sensitivity and attitude are always ready to serve, making Martha a most excellent partner!

Specialty Areas:
Interviews, Group dynamics, Facilitation of thinking processes, Workshops, Insight Generation, Ethnography.

Markets & Categories:
Food, Beverages, Beauty & Personal Care, Liquor, Pharmaceuticals, Finance, Services.

Senior Director

Bogotá, Colombia
57-1-325-7680 Ext 204
[email protected]